Undergraduate courses in Psychology include those in the following areas:

  • General

    201 General Psychology
    322 Introductory Statistics (includes lab)
    350 General Research Methods in Psychology (includes lab).
    451 Senior Seminar

    493 Research Apprenticeship for Undergraduates
    495 Internship
    496 Senior Thesis

  • Experimental Psychology Courses

    204 Intro to Biological Psychology
    240 The Aging Mind (or Developmental)

    272 Psychology and Technogy
    304 Brain and Behavior
    345 Clinical Neuroscience (or Clinical)
    371 Sensation and Perception
    375 Psychology of Memory 
    376 Cognitive Psychology 

    377 Psychology of Space Exploration
    385 Psychology of Brain Injury

    444 Developmental Neuroscience

    445 Clinical Neuroscience

    446 Cognitive Disabilities

  • Clinical Psychology Courses

    302 Forensic Psychology
    345 Clinical Neuroscience (or Experimental)
    373 Cognitive and Behavior Therapy
    380 Abnormal Psychology
    381 Clinical Psychology
    382 Abnormal Child Psychology
    383 Health Psychology (or Social)
    387 Community Interventions in Mental Health (or Social/Personality)

  • Developmental Psychology Courses

    207 Early Childhood Development
    240 The Aging Mind (or Experimental)
    307 Child Development
    308 Social Development (or Social/Personality)
    309 Psychology of Adolescence
    310 Cognitive Development
    379 Life Span Development
    407 Psychology of Parenting
  • Social/Personality Psychology Courses

    224 Psychology of Women and Men
    226 Close Interpersonal Relationships
    232 Psychology of Stress and Coping
    243 Sport Psychology
    245 Vocational Psychology (or Clinical)
    251 Psychology of Terrorism
    252 Psychology of Peace and Conflict
    253 Political Psychology
    261 Psychology and the Media
    303 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    305 Social Psychology
    308 Social Development (or Developmental)
    313 Leadership in Organizations
    374 Personality Psychology (see optional lab course)
    383 Health Psychology
    387 Community Interventions in Mental Health (or Clinical)
    421 Positive Psychology
  • Lab Courses (1-credit courses for majors only)

    482 Applied Psychology Research Methods

    483 Clinical Lab

    484 Survey Research Methods
    486 Experimental Lab
    488 Biological Lab
    489 Developmental Lab

  • 500/600-Level Courses

    592 Readings in Psychology
    594 Independent Study
    595 Psychology Internship

    619 Health Psychology (Clinical)
    620 Psychology, Biology and Technology (Experimental)
    621 Cognitive Rehabilitation (Experimental)
    622 Cognitive Development (Developmental, Experimental)
    625 Cognitive Aging (Experimental, Developmental)
    627 Couple and Family Interaction (Social/Personality, Developmental)
    636 Human-Computer Interaction (Experimental)
    640 Human Development (Developmental)
    645 Social Development (Developmental, Social/Personality)
    671 Human Factors (Experimental; not open to students who have taken PSY 447)

What courses are appropriate for me?

200- and 300-level courses are appropriate for all students, including freshmen and sophomores. PSY 201 is a prerequisite for most 300-level classes.

400-level courses are most appropriate for juniors and seniors.

500-level courses are open to graduate and qualified undergraduate students, and are thus appropriate only for juniors and seniors.

600-level courses are intended primarily for graduate students, but qualified juniors and seniors may register using a form available from the Arts & Sciences office (with the permission and signatures of both the course professor and the Undergraduate Director in Psychology).