David Jobes' Headshot


  • Psychology
  • School

  • School of Arts and Sciences
  • Expertise

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Clinical Suicidology
  • Assessment/Treatment of Suicidal Risk Training
  • Ethics
  • Risk-Management
  • Biography

    The research focus of the CatholicU Suicide Prevention Lab (SPL) centers
    on clinical risk assessment (using both quantitative and qualitative
    methods) with different populations of people who are suicidal across
    different clinical settings. We are particularly focused on a suicide-focused
    clinical treatment developed in the SPL called the "Collaborative
    Assessment and Management of Suicidality" (CAMS). We are presently
    engaged in funded randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to investigate the
    effectiveness of CAMS with patients in the US and abroad. There are now
    eleven published open clinical trials, seven published RCTs, and two meta-
    analyses demonstrating the effectiveness of CAMS. There are five
    ongoing RCTs and several other trials are being developed abroad.

    I have been working in suicidology since graduate school across various
    domains—public health, clinical research, epidemiology, and theory-
    building. I have also worked extensively within Veterans Affairs at both the
    local and national level. I have been a consultant to each branch of the US
    military. In recent years my lab has become increasingly focused on
    teenagers who are suicidal as we continued to adapt CAMS for other
    populations. I am also deeply involved in suicide and mental health policy,
    advocacy, and legislation at the national, state, and local levels.
    As a professor I teach courses in clinical psychology, ethics and
    professional practice, psychotherapy, research methods, clinical theory,
    and assessment interviewing. I have a passion for teaching and my
    courses are infused with real-world examples and case studies that help
    bring the course material to life.