Carol R. Glass, Ph.D. Headshot


  • Psychology
  • School

  • School of Arts and Sciences
  • Expertise

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Mindfulness and Sport Performance
  • Cognition and Anxiety
  • Psychotherapy Integration
  • Cognitive-behavioral Therapy
  • Biography

    My research interests include sport psychology, mindfulness, anxiety, cognitive behavioral therapy, and psychotherapy integration. I am especially interested in mindfulness and acceptance-based approaches to alleviate anxiety and stress and to promote peak performance, and the role of cognition in anxiety experienced by nonclinical populations.

    Together with Keith Kaufman and Tim Pineau, we have developed a mindfulness-based program for athletes and coaches. Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE) trains athletes and coaches to approach their sport with mindful awareness and acceptance, which can lead to heightened performance and enjoyment. I recently published the first randomized-controlled trial of MSPE with NCAA Division III athletes, and have studied the effectiveness of MSPE training with student-athletes, recreational athletes in the community, and college athletic coaches. Our book on MSPE, published by APA Books in August 2017, serves as a comprehensive resource on the history, theory, and practice of mindfulness in sport.

    My prior research with Diane Arnkoff has studied the effectiveness of different types of mindfulness training for student stress (with a specific interest in cognitive change as a result of mindfulness interventions), mindfulness and psychological health in Veterans, and how therapists of varying theoretical orientations integrate new techniques (e.g., EMDR, DBT, CAMS) into their practice.

    I was a member of the CUA Athletic Advisory Board and currently serve on the Advisory Board of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI). Additionally, I am a Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, a Fellow of SEPI and of the American Psychological Association (Society of Clinical Psychology), and have a private practice in clinical psychology in Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC.