Deborah Clawson's Headshot


  • Psychology
  • School

  • School of Arts and Sciences
  • Expertise

  • Applied Experimental Psychology
  • Human Factors
  • Memory
  • Prospective Memory
  • Planning
  • Transfer of Training
  • Biography

    Broadly, my research addresses methods of improving performance on cognitive tasks. Within that area, my first focus is on the inter-related areas of planning and prospective memory, looking at how people create plans for the future and carry out those plans when the opportunity presents itself. These studies have used lab tasks, games, and virtual reality (VR). My second focus is on the effects of practice, particularly addressing the questions of what methods are best for practicing complex skills, to what extent improvements due to practice transfer to novel circumstances, and how well those practice effects are retained. I have investigated these issues in domains of Morse code reception, the Stroop task, and spatial learning in VR. I teach several undergraduate and graduate courses, including classes on memory, neuropsychology and cognitive rehabilitation, as well as on statistics.