Graduation as a major in Psychology requires the successful completion of the Undergraduate Comprehensive Exam ("Senior Comps"), to be taken the semester before intended graduation. Students who fail will thus have the opportunity to re-take the exam in the following semester. You must ALSO register for PSY 498 (Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination) during the semester you take this exam.
Specific cutoffs for passing scores and honors on the Undergraduate Comprehensive Exam in Psychology, which consists of the Major Field Achievement Test (MFT), are set by the Psychology Department based on available national performance outcomes. This 2-hour multiple choice exam, prepared and scored by the ETS, covers a broad range of topics in psychology and is normed with Senior majors in Psychology.
In order to register for the MFT, you must register for PSY 498 through Cardinal Station and will be billed for the associated $30 fee. About 6 weeks after the test, you will be notified by email whether or not you passed.
For more information about the exam, including tips for studying, see p. 12-13 of the Psychology Undergraduate Handbook. Sample questions can be found on this fact sheet. If you have any questions about the Psychology Undergraduate Comprehensive Exam, contact Dr. Kathryn Degnan (